Outline of the state of Utah

Family Engagement into Policymaking on School Discipline and Behavior Management

Family Engagement into Policymaking on School Discipline and Behavior Management

State law requires parent or family member involvement in the development of student codes of conduct.

Utah Administrative Code R277-609-4 LEA Responsibility to Develop Plans.

(1) An LEA or school shall develop and implement a board approved comprehensive LEA plan or policy for student and classroom management, and school discipline. (2) An LEA shall include administration, instruction and support staff, students, parents, community council, and other community members in policy development, training, and prevention implementation so as to create a community sense of participation, ownership, support, and responsibility.

Policy Type

Utah Administrative Code R277-613-4. LEA Responsibility to Create or Update Bullying Policies.

(c) An LEA shall ensure that a discipline plan required by Rule R277-609:

  • (vii) includes administration, instruction and support staff, students, parents, community council and other community members in policy development, training and prevention implementation so as to create a community sense of participation, ownership, support and responsibility.
Policy Type

Utah Code 53G-8-202. Public school discipline policies -- Basis of the policies -- Enforcement.

(1) The Legislature recognizes that every student in the public schools should have the opportunity to learn in an environment which is safe, conducive to the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruption.


  • (a) To foster such an environment, each local school board or charter school governing board, with input from school employees, parents of students, students, and the community at large, shall adopt conduct and discipline policies for the public schools in accordance with Section 53G-8-211.
Policy Type