Outline of the state of Massachusetts

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Benefits of Physical Activity—ES

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Benefits of Physical Activity—ES

State law addresses physical activity.

General Laws of Massachusetts 69.1D Statewide educational goals: academic Standard

The Standard shall provide for instruction in the issues of nutrition and exercise. The Standard may provide for instruction in the issues of physical education, human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome education, violence prevention, including teen dating violence, bullying prevention, conflict resolution and drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse prevention.

Policy Type

General Laws of Massachusetts 71.1 Maintenance; double sessions; subjects; twelve-month school year

Instruction in health education shall include, but shall not be limited to: consumer health, ecology, community health, body structure and function, safety, nutrition, fitness and body dynamics, dental health, emotional development safe and healthy relationships with a focus on preventing sexual and domestic violence, and training in the administration of first aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Policy Type

Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework

Physical Activity and Fitness:

Physical Activity and Fitness focuses on individual competence and versatility in movement skills, understanding movement concepts and body dynamics, and relating physical activity to lifelong health. Wellness captures the combination of activity and fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Students can increase their awareness of the benefits of physical activity and fitness through knowledge about how the body functions. By identifying and experiencing the relationship of exercise to overall health, applying important social skills and safety in physical activity, integrating learning movement with other modes of learning, and practicing strategies to respond to stress, students can enhance their overall health and wellness. Topics generally covered in Physical Activity and Fitness include: Motor Skill Development, Fitness, and Personal and Social Competency.

PreK–12 Standard 2: Physical Activity and Fitness

Students will, by repeated practice, acquire and refine a variety of manipulative, locomotor, and non-locomotor movement skills, and will utilize principles of training and conditioning, will learn biomechanics and exercise physiology, and will apply the concept of wellness to their lives.

Policy Type