Outline of the state of Virginia

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—HS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—HS

State law requires high school HE curriculum.

Code of Virginia 22.1-207. Physical and health education.

Physical and health education shall be emphasized throughout the public school curriculum by lessons, drills, and physical exercises, and all pupils in the public elementary, middle, and high schools shall receive as part of the educational program such health instruction and physical training as shall be prescribed by the Board of Education and approved by the State Board of Health. Such health instruction shall incorporate Standard that recognize the multiple dimensions of health by including mental health and the relationship of physical and mental health so as to enhance student understanding, attitudes, and behavior that promote health, well-being, and human dignity. Such health instruction may include an age-appropriate program of instruction on the safe use of and risks of abuse of prescription drugs that is consistent with curriculum guidelines developed by the Board and approved by the State Board of Health.

Policy Type

Code of Virginia 22.1-253.13:1. Standard 1. Instructional programs supporting the Standard of Learning and other educational objectives.

C. Local school boards shall develop and implement a program of instruction for grades K through 12 that is aligned to the Standard of Learning and meets or exceeds the requirements of the Board of Education. The program of instruction shall emphasize reading, writing, speaking, mathematical concepts and computations, proficiency in the use of computers and related technology, computer science and computational thinking, including computer coding, and scientific concepts and processes; essential skills and concepts of citizenship, including knowledge of Virginia history and world and United States history, economics, government, foreign languages, international cultures, health and physical education

Policy Type

Virginia Administrative Code 8 VAC 20-131-50. Requirements for Graduation.

B. Requirements for a Standard Diploma

    1. Credits required for graduation with a Standard Diploma.
  • Health and Physical Education: 2

Policy Type

Virginia Administrative Code 8 VAC 20-320-10. Health Education Program.

Elementary and secondary schools shall present a comprehensive health education program which focuses on instruction related to alcohol and drug abuse, smoking and health, personal growth and personal health, nutrition, prevention and control of disease, physical fitness, accident prevention, personal and family survival, environmental health, mental health, and consumer education. These shall be developed in accordance with procedures outlined in the Curriculum Guide for Health Education.

Policy Type