Outline of the state of District of Columbia
District of Columbia

Alcohol and Drug-use Intervention Programs

Alcohol and Drug-use Intervention Programs

State law encourages districts to implement school-based alcohol and drug referral, intervention or treatment programs for students with substance use disorders.

Code of the District of Columbia 2-1595. Duties.

(a) Within 90 days of the applicability of this subchapter, the Commission shall:

  • (3) Identify a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary assessment instrument that shall be used by school-based clinicians to:
    • (A) Determine the extent to which children are affected by risk and protective factors as individuals and as members of families, communities, and schools;
    • (B) Determine the extent to which children have service needs resulting from emotional disturbance, substance abuse, exposure to violence, or learning disabilities;
    • (C) Provide therapeutic interventions; and
    • (D) Assist in the development of integrated service plans; (b)
  • (1) All programs shall be evidence-based, age-appropriate, and implemented to serve children and their families and shall include:
    • (A) Early childhood psycho-social and emotional development assistance;
    • (B) School-based violence and substance abuse prevention;
    • (C) Social and emotional learning assistance;
    • (D) Family resiliency and strengthening assistance; and
    • (E) Services that are designed to reduce local reliance on out-of-home placement of children under the age of 18.
Policy Type

District of Columbia Municipal Regulations 2500 General Policy

2500.1 It is the policy of D.C. Public Schools (DCPS) that a safe environment conducive to learning shall be maintained. To build and maintain this environment, DCPS shall provide students, families, and staff with clear expectations and rules for appropriate school behavior. These rules must balance the responsibilities and rights of individuals and the responsibilities and rights of the school community. These rules must reflect the individual's responsibility for contributing to a safe environment conducive to learning and the need for mutual respect and cooperation among all segments of the school community.

2500.2 DCPS is committed to helping students learn the expectations and rules for appropriate school behavior and the range of disciplinary responses for inappropriate or disruptive behavior. DCPS will recognize and encourage students who exhibit appropriate, non-disruptive behavior. DCPS will encourage prevention and intervention strategies to prevent inappropriate behavior. To that end all available resources, subject to budgetary limitations, shall be utilized, including preventive and responsive interventions that support students' needs.

2500.3 When a student's behavior disrupts the school community's safe learning environment, DCPS will use a range of disciplinary responses intended to change and manage inappropriate behavior. In administering disciplinary responses, DCPS will work with students to correct inappropriate behavior. Students will be enabled and encouraged to reflect on their actions, to learn from mistakes, and to restore any relationships that have been negatively impacted.

2500.4 Whenever possible, prevention, intervention, and remediation strategies shall be used in addition to disciplinary responses at all stages of the disciplinary process, including students transitioning from Suspension or Expulsion.

2500.5 DCPS shall involve family members in efforts to determine the causes of misbehavior and in efforts to support appropriate school behavior.

2500.6 Options for prevention, intervention, and remediation shall include, but not be limited to: (a) Anger management; (b) Attendance intervention plans; (c) Behavior intervention plan; (d) Behavior log/behavior progress report; (e) Behavior redirection; (f) Community conference; (g) Community service; (h) Conflict resolution; (i) Crime awareness/prevention programs; (j) Diverse instructional strategies; (k) In-school program restructuring (schedule change); (l) Individual or group counseling; (m) Intervention by guidance counselor or mental health professional; (n) Mediation, including teacher/student mediation and multi-party dispute resolution; (o) Mentoring; (p) Parent conference; (q) Parent observation of student; (r) Positive feedback for appropriate behavior; (s) Positive behavior supports (t) Problem solving conferences; (u) Referral to community based organizations; (v) Referral to substance abuse counseling service; (w) Rehabilititative programs;

Policy Type