Outline of the state of Virginia

Reengagement Plans for Suspended or Expelled Students

Reengagement Plans for Suspended or Expelled Students

State law encourages districts to adopt plans or policies to support students’ return to school following suspension or expulsion.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-277.06. Expulsions; procedures; readmission.

School boards shall establish, by regulation, a schedule pursuant to which such students may apply and reapply for readmission to school. Such schedule shall be designed to ensure that any initial petition for readmission will be reviewed by the school board or a committee thereof, or the division superintendent, and, if granted, would enable the student to resume school attendance one calendar year from the date of the expulsion. If the division superintendent or a committee of the school board denies such petition, the student may petition the school board for review of such denial.

Policy Type

Code of Virginia § 22.1-277.2. Authority to exclude students under certain circumstances; petition for readmission; alternative education program

In excluding any such expelled student from school attendance, the local school board may accept or waive any or all of any conditions for readmission imposed upon such student by the expelling school board pursuant to § 22.1-277.06. The excluding school board shall not impose additional conditions for readmission to school.

Policy Type

Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.3. Parental responsibility and involvement requirements

F. No suspended student shall be admitted to the regular school program until such student and his parent have met with school officials to discuss improvement of the student's behavior, unless the school principal or his designee determines that readmission, without parent conference, is appropriate for the student.

Policy Type