Outline of the state of Illinois
Stresses abstinence

Sexual Health Education Abstinence—HS

Sexual Health Education Abstinence—HS

State law stresses abstinence.

Guidance Document #16-1 Sex Education (PA 98-0441)

Guidance document addresses instruction on abstinence as a component of a comprehensive sexual health education curricula.

Policy Type

Illinois Compiled Statutes 105-5-27-9.1 Sex education.

(b) All public school classes that teach sex education and discuss sexual intercourse in grades 6 through 12 shall emphasize that abstinence from sexual intercourse is a responsible and positive decision and is the only protection that is 100% effective against unwanted teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) when transmitted sexually.

(c) All classes that teach sex education and discuss sexual intercourse in grades 6 through 12 shall satisfy the following criteria:

  • (1) Course material and instruction shall be developmentally and age appropriate, medically accurate, and complete.
  • (1.5) Course material and instruction shall replicate evidence-based programs or substantially incorporate elements of evidence-based programs.
  • (2) Course material and instruction shall teach honor and respect for monogamous heterosexual marriage.
  • (3) Course material and instruction shall place substantial emphasis on both abstinence, including abstinence until marriage, and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases among youth and shall stress that abstinence is the ensured method of avoiding unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS.
Policy Type

Illinois Compiled Statutes 105-5-27-9.2 Family Life.

Family Life. If any school district provides courses of instruction designed to promote wholesome and comprehensive understanding of the emotional, psychological, physiological, hygienic and social responsibility aspects of family life, then such courses of instruction shall include the teaching of the alternatives to abortion, appropriate to the various grade levels; and whenever such courses of instruction are provided in any of grades 6 through 12, then such courses also shall include instruction on the prevention, transmission and spread of AIDS. However, no pupil shall be required to take or participate in any family life class or course on AIDS instruction if his parent or guardian submits written objection thereto, and refusal to take or participate in such course or program shall not be reason for suspension or expulsion of such pupil.

The State Superintendent of Education shall prepare and make available to local school districts courses of instruction designed to satisfy the requirements of this Section.

The State Superintendent of Education shall develop a procedure for evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of the family life courses of instruction in each local school district, including the setting of reasonable goals for reduced sexual activity, sexually transmitted diseases and premarital pregnancy. The goals shall be set by the beginning of the 1991-92 school year. The State Superintendent shall distribute a copy of the procedure to each local school district. Each local school district may develop additional procedures or methods for measuring the effectiveness of the family life courses of instruction within the district. Before the beginning of the 1993-94 school year, the State Superintendent shall collect and evaluate all relevant data to determine whether the goals are being achieved.

Policy Type