Outline of the state of Massachusetts

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—HS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—HS

State law addresses personal health and wellness.


This is a gigantic manual for all things school health, and includes components on health education in the state "In secondary school, promoting healthy choices in all aspects of life becomes important, including: • good eating habits; • physical exercise; • the importance of adequate rest; • how to balance schoolwork with employment and leisure activities; • stress reduction; • tobacco, drug, and alcohol use; and • healthy relationships and sexuality."

Policy Type

General Laws of Massachusetts 71.1 Maintenance; double sessions; subjects; twelve-month school year

Instruction in health education shall include, but shall not be limited to: consumer health, ecology, community health, body structure and function, safety, nutrition, fitness and body dynamics, dental health, emotional development safe and healthy relationships with a focus on preventing sexual and domestic violence, and training in the administration of first aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Policy Type

Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework

Growth and Development:

Growth and Development addresses the study of the structure and function of body systems, including how human body systems function as a whole and their interdependence, throughout the human life cycle.

The study of Growth and Development provides understanding of the complex process of natural progression through the life cycle as heredity and the environment influence it. By recognizing that growth and development have a reciprocal relationship and each of the body systems contributes to the survival and health of the total system, students can better see the influence that behavior has on health and overall well being. Growth and Development are fostered by responsible actions and conduct related to health needs and health concerns. The concepts learned in Growth and Development can contribute to decisions about caring for oneself and others. Topics generally covered in Growth and Development include: Body Systems and Life Cycle.

PreK–12 Standard 1: Growth and Development

Students will learn the basic characteristics of physical growth and development, including body functions and systems throughout the life cycle, and will acquire skills to promote and maintain positive growth and development.

Policy Type