Outline of the state of Georgia
Non-codified policy only

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Suicide Prevention—HS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Suicide Prevention—HS

Topic is not addressed in state statutes or regulations, but is addressed in non-codified policy.

Georgia Performance Standard for Health Education

The National and Georgia Standard for Health Education are designed to incorporate into a curricula the following six priority adolescent risk behaviors identified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Alcohol and other Drug Use, Injury and Violence (including Suicide), Tobacco Use, Poor Nutrition, Inadequate Physical Activity, and Risky Sexual Behavior. The Standard also are designed to encompass a wide range of the following common content areas: Community Health, Consumer Health, Environmental Health, Family Life, Mental/Emotional Health, Injury Prevention/Safety, Nutrition, Personal Health, Prevention/Control of Disease, and Substance Use/Abuse.

Policy Type