Outline of the state of South Carolina
South Carolina

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Tobacco Use—MS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Tobacco Use—MS

State law addresses tobacco use.

South Carolina Code of State Regulations 43–232. Defined Program 6–8.

Through special instruction, schools shall provide age-appropriate instruction regarding the dangers in the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Instruction shall emphasize problems related to their use and effects upon the total community. Instruction shall be offered in all schools of the State and shall be studied and presented as thoroughly and in the same manner as all other required subjects in grades 6-8.

Policy Type

South Carolina Standard for Health and Safety Education

Abbreviation Key Concept D Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs G Growth, Development, and Sexual Health and Responsibility I Injury Prevention and Safety M Mental, Emotional, and Social Health N Nutrition and Physical Activity P Personal and Community Health
Policy Type