Outline of the state of Utah

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—ES

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—ES

State law addresses personal health and wellness.

Sixth Grade Health Curriculum

This page addresses Health personal health and wellness curriculum for 6th grade students.

Policy Type

Utah State Office of Education: Elementary Core Curriculum. Responsible Healthy Lifestyles 3-6.

Health Foundations and Protective Factors of Healthy Self (HF) is intended to be the foundation of the Health Education Core. Protective factors are attributes such as skills, strengths, or coping strategies which increase the health and well-being of children. These attributes help people deal more effectively with stress, peer-pressure, and other potentially harmful situations. Students with strong protective factors are less likely to develop mental illness or substance use disorders. Students should receive instruction on this strand first. It should also be interwoven throughout all other strands. The goal of this strand is to develop fundamental skills for overall health and wellness.

Policy Type