Outline of the state of New Jersey
New Jersey
Stresses abstinence

Sexual Health Education Abstinence—HS

Sexual Health Education Abstinence—HS

State law stresses abstinence.

New Jersey Statutes 18A:35-4.20 Sex education programs to stress abstinence.

Any sex education that is given as part of any planned course, curriculum or other instructional program and that is intended to impart information or promote discussion or understanding in regard to human sexual behavior, sexual feelings and sexual values, human sexuality and reproduction, pregnancy avoidance or termination, HIV infection or sexually transmitted diseases, regardless of whether such instruction is described as, or incorporated into a description of “sex education,” “family life education,” “family health education,” “health education,” “family living,” “health,” “self esteem,” or any other course, curriculum program or goal of education, and any materials including, but not limited, to handouts, speakers, notes or audiovisuals presented on school property concerning methods for the prevention of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), other sexually transmitted diseases and of avoiding pregnancy, shall stress that abstinence from sexual activity is the only completely reliable means of eliminating the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and of avoiding pregnancy.

Policy Type

New Jersey Statutes 18A:35-4.21 Abstinence from sexual activity stressed in curriculum.

The board of education shall include in its family life and HIV/AIDS curriculum instruction on reasons, skills and strategies for remaining or becoming abstinent from sexual activity. Any instruction concerning the use of contraceptives or prophylactics such as condoms shall also include information on their failure rates for preventing pregnancy, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in actual use among adolescent populations and shall clearly explain the difference between risk reduction through the use of such devices and risk elimination through abstinence.

Policy Type

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Site provides information on NJ AEP Title V Abstinence Education Program, a primary prevention strategy providing sexual risk avoidance program to 10 to 19-year-olds.

Policy Type