Outline of the state of New Mexico
New Mexico

Fundraiser Exemption—Allowed

Fundraiser Exemption—Allowed

State law allows for a certain number of exempt fundraisers per year/semester/week.

New Mexico Administrative Code Implementation of Federal Requirements for Competitive Foods

Federal law, rule and guidance limitations regarding beverages and foods sold in schools shall govern the participation in and implementation of New Mexico school meal programs authorized by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, except that the public education department shall set a limit on the number of fundraisers permitted on a school campus during each school term. A fundraiser is a sale on a school campus to benefit a school or school organization of beverage or food products limited by a United States department of agriculture school meal program for use, consumption or sale during the school day. No fundraiser may be conducted in competition with school meals in the food service area during meal service. A fundraiser may be conducted only for up to one school day on two occasions per semester or trimester term in a school that participates in United States department of agriculture school meal programs.

Policy Type