Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Safety and Injury Prevention—ES
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Safety and Injury Prevention—ES
State law addresses safety and injury.
Tennesee Code Annotated 49-6-1024. Instruction in school safety issues
(a) In reviewing the lifetime wellness Standard, the department of education shall consider including instruction in current and appropriate school safety issues, to include drugs, alcohol, weapons, bomb threats, emergency evacuations and violent school incidents.
(b) The department is encouraged to collaborate with the University of Tennessee in developing school safety instructional materials and course objectives.
(c) The department shall review the United States department of homeland security's guidelines and other topically-relevant issues for inclusion in school safety programs.
Tennessee Administrative Rules and Regulations 0520-01-03-.05 State Academic Standard
(c) Instruction in grades kindergarten through twelve (12) in issues of current concern such as character education, environmental education, economic education, career education, family life education, substance use and abuse, AIDS education, sexual abuse prevention, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and safety shall be incorporated in appropriate subject areas and grade levels.
Tennessee Health Education and Lifetime Wellness Standard, Elementary School Health Standard
Outline of health education requirements for elementary school
Tennessee Health Education Standard. Safety. Personal/Physical Safety. Grades K-5.
Component: Safety Subcomponent: Personal/Physical Safety (Child)
Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
K.S.8 Distinguish between emergency and non-emergency situations.
1.S.8 Discuss the importance of safety rules in home, school, and the community.
2.S.8 Identify ways to reduce the risk of injuries and death from injury.
3.S.8 Demonstrate appropriate choices related to reducing unintentional injuries.
4.S.8 List common injury risks for children (e.g., motor vehicles, fires, flames, drowning, handgun injuries, falls, poisonings, chokings, suffocation, strangulation, and bike/pedestrian injuries).
5.S.8 Identify first aid techniques.
K.S.9 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate touching.
1.S.9 Report when someone is injured or ill to a responsive caregiver.
2.S.9 Discuss the meaning of basic safety-related signs, symbols, and warning labels.
3.S.9 Describe appropriate actions for emergency and non-emergency situations.
4.S.9 Describe methods to prevent common injuries in children.
5.S.9 Demonstrate first aid technique.
K.S.10 Identify ways to stay safe when crossing the street, riding a bike, and playing.
1.S.10 Identify proper backpack carrying guidelines.
2.S.10 Identify basic weather-related emergency guidelines.
3.S.10 Identify the importance of having a home safety plan for various emergency situations.
4.S.10 Demonstrate different methods of safe routes from emergency situations in home, school, and the community.
5.S.10 Compare and contrast the benefits and consequences of safety preparation when faced with an emergency situations.
K.S.11 Identify threats to personal safety.
1.S.11 Recognize situations that need to be reported to a trusted adult.
2.S.11 Identify skills used for protection to maximize personal safety.
3.S.11 Identify refusal skills when in personal safety situations (e.g., a clear “No” statement, walk/run away, change subject, delay).
4.S.11 Identify resource persons in schools and the community and know how to seek help from them.
5.S.11 Differentiate between situations which need peer support and those which need adult help.