Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Alcohol and Drug Use or Abuse—HS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Alcohol and Drug Use or Abuse—HS
State law addresses alcohol and Drug-use/abuse.
North Carolina Essential Standard - Health Education - Grades K – HS
Alcohol and drug use/abuse is taught as part of health education.
North Carolina General Statutes 115C-81.20 Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Education
(g) Sequential, age-appropriate instruction shall be provided that includes all of the following:
- (1) Reaches all students in all grades.
- (2) Presents a clear and consistent message that the use of alcohol and unlawful drugs and the misuse of other drugs are unhealthy and harmful.
- (3) Reflects current research and theory.
- (4) Includes all abusable substances.
- (5) Utilizes information that is current and accurate.
- (6) Involves students in active “hands-on” learning experiences.
- (7) Integrates substance abuse education with other health and social issues and other subject and skill areas of the standard course of study.
- (8) Promotes understanding and respect for the law and values of society.
- (9) Encourages healthy, safe, and responsible attitudes and behaviors.
- (10) Includes strategies to involve parents, family members, and the community.
- (11) Includes information on intervention and treatment services.
- (12) Is continually open to revision, expansion, and improvement.
North Carolina General Statutes 115C-81.20 Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Education
(a) Instruction shall be provided in alcohol and drug use prevention education from kindergarten through high school. (b) The State Board of Education shall develop and maintain a recommended list of alcohol and drug use prevention education materials that include components for teacher training and ongoing assessment and evaluation to verify success and ensure the use of up-to-date information and strategies. (c) The Department of Public Instruction shall do the following:
- (1) Work to strengthen instructional offerings in the content and skill areas in which alcohol and drug use prevention education is addressed.
- (2) Develop curricular materials and resources that meet, extend, and supplement drug and alcohol education as outlined in the standard course of study and the teacher handbook for the competency-based curriculum.
- (3) Recommend to the State Board of Education any drug use prevention education support materials that should be removed from or added to the recommended list of curricular resources developed and maintained by the State Board of Education.
North Carolina General Statutes 115C-81.20 Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Education
(e) Local boards of education shall do the following:
- (1) Implement an approved alcohol and drug use prevention education as a primary part of their comprehensive health education program.
North Carolina General Statutes 115C-81.25 Health Education
(c) The State Board of Education, through the Department of Public Instruction, shall, on a regular basis, review materials related to these objectives and distribute these reviews to local school administrative units for their information.This program includes age-appropriate instruction in the following subject areas, regardless of whether this instruction isdescribed as, or incorporated into a description of, “family life education,” “family health education,” “health education,”“family living,” “health,” “healthful living curriculum,” or “self-esteem”:
- (1) Mental and emotional health.
- (2) Drug and alcohol abuse prevention.
- (3) Nutrition.
- (4) Dental health.
- (5) Environmental health.
- (6) Family living.
- (7) Consumer health.
- (8) Disease control.
- (9) Growth and development.
- (10) First aid and emergency care, including the teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlichmaneuver by using hands-on training with mannequins so that students pass a test approved by the American Heart Association or American Red Cross. For the purposes of this subdivision, schools shall do all of the following:
- a. Use an instructional program developed by the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or other nationally recognized programs that is based on the most current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines for CPR.
- b. Maintain documentation in an electronic database that students have successfully completed CPR instruction to meet healthful living essential Standard.
- c. Require successful completion of instruction in CPR to be a requirement for high school graduation by the 2014-2015 school year.
- (11) Preventing sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, and other communicable diseases. As used in this section, “HIV/AIDS” means Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
- (12) Reproductive health and safety education.
- (13) Bicycle safety