Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Healthy Eating Nutrition—ES
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Healthy Eating Nutrition—ES
State law addresses healthy eating/nutrition.
GA BOE Rule 160-4-2-.12 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Program Plan.
(2) REQUIREMENTS. (a) The local board of education shall develop and implement an accurate, comprehensive health and physical education program that shall include information and concepts in the following areas.
- Nutrition
Georgia Compiled Rules & Regulations 160-4-2-.12. Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Program Plan
- Nutrition
- Personal health
- Sex education/AIDS education
- Safety
- Mental health
- Growth and development
- Consumer health
- Community health
- Health careers
- Family living
- Motor skills
- Physical fitness
- Lifetime sports
- Outdoor education
- Fitness assessment
Georgia Performance Standard for Health Education
The National and Georgia Standard for Health Education are designed to incorporate into a curricula the following six priority adolescent risk behaviors identified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Alcohol and other Drug Use, Injury and Violence (including Suicide), Tobacco Use, Poor Nutrition, Inadequate Physical Activity, and Risky Sexual Behavior. The Standard also are designed to encompass a wide range of the following common content areas: Community Health, Consumer Health, Environmental Health, Family Life, Mental/Emotional Health, Injury Prevention/Safety, Nutrition, Personal Health, Prevention/Control of Disease, and Substance Use/Abuse.
Guidance Sequence: Georgia Performance Standard for Health Education
Grade K- 5 health education guidance document that provides a health education sequence to assist when building local curriculum.
Official Code of Georgia Annotated 20-2-187. State-wide school lunch program; instruction in nutrition hygiene etiquette and social graces; school food and nutrition personnel
(b) The State Board of Education is authorized to prescribe by appropriate rules and regulations that there may be included as part of the program of every public school in this state a course of instruction in nutrition, hygiene, etiquette,and the social graces relating to the partaking of meals and is further authorized to allot funds, in a manner consistent with the funding for the other various components of the instructional program, to local units of administration for costs directly associated with this program.