Outline of the state of Missouri

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Healthy Eating Nutrition—ES

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Healthy Eating Nutrition—ES

State law addresses healthy eating/nutrition.

Health Education Grade-Level Expectations: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education May 2007

Health Maintenance and Enhancement

  1. Nutrition A. Essential Nutrients and Food Groupings
    • Grade 1: Recognize that foods come from plant and animal sources and provide the body with fuel (energy)
    • Recognize that food fits into different groups and that different amounts are needed from each food group for healthy eating (i.e., grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, beans, meats)
    • Grade 2: Identify healthy food choices (see MyPyramid.gov) in each of the five food groups (sorting play food or pictures into food groups)
    • Compare and contrast the effects of nutrient-dense and empty-calorie foods on the body (e.g., soda/skim milk; chips/apple; cookies/carrots)
    • Grade 3: Identify the six essential nutrients and their functions (carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, water)
    • Grade 4: Identify the sources and basic functions of the six essential nutrients including fiber, and locate five essential nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals) on food labels and recognize that this information helps one make healthy food choices
    • Describe the relationship between food intake and energy
    • Grade 5: Identify sources and functions of specific vitamins and minerals that are critical for youth (e.g., calcium, folate, vitamins A, C and D)
    • Recognize the MyPyramind.gov food slogans (e.g., go lean with your meat, vary your vegetables, focus on fruits, get your calcium rich foods, make the most of your grains)
    • Grade 6: Describe and differentiate the contribution specific nutrients make towards growth repair, and cellular needs of the body: fats provide the body with a stored form of energy, wamth and insulation for body organs; carbohydrates provides the body with an immediate source of energy; proteins help the body grow, make muscles strong and repair body tissues; vitamins and minerals help to release energy and help the body fight infections making strong bones and teeth
    • Grade 7: Apply nutrition knowledge to compare the nutrient contribution of a food to its energy contribution
    • Grade 8: Justify food sources that supply each of the essential nutrients
    • Grade 9-12: Assess key nutrients and their specific functions and influences of body processes (e.g., disease prevention)
    • Assess how nutritional needs change throughout the life cycle

B. Balance, Variety and Moderation

  • Grade K: Recognize we need a variety of foods each day
  • Grade 2: Identify a healthy snack from each food group (see MyPyramid.gov)
  • Recognize that eating healthy and being active will help maintain a healthy body composition
  • Grade 3: Compare and contract the relationship between body image and personal health (e.g., self-esteem, disease prevention)
  • Grade 4: Make decisions regarding food chocies based on balance (e.g., food log, meal planning, grocery shopping), moderation and variety
  • Grade 5: Use the MyPyramind.gov website to construct a balanced menu
  • Describe and assess the relationship of family preferences and culture to food choices
  • Grade 6: Discuss the misconceptions projected by society in regard to body image
  • Grade 7: Evaluate factors that influence food choices (e.g., culture, family, emotions, peers, media) and their impact on nutrition and health.
  • Recognize the symptoms of various eating disorders and proper referral sources
  • Grade 8: Create a meal plan (s) through the selection of appropriate food based on energy needs, food preferences and nutrient requirements as represented in "My Pyramid"
  • Grade 9-12: Prove how a well-balanced diet that is low in fat, high in fiber, vitamins and minerals can reduce the risk of certain disease
  • Investigate and analyze the factors that influence dietary choices (e.g., lifestyle, ethnicity, family, media, and advertising)
  • Analyze food choices and discuss how it should be used to develop a proper diet

C. Food Labels

  • Grade 1: Recognize that packaged food products contain labels
  • Grade 2: Identify the basic parts of the Nutrition Facts label (e.g., serving size, fat, sugar, ingredients)
  • Grade 3: Explain the importance of nutrition facts on food labels in making healthy selections (e.g., serving size, calories, nutrients, ingredients)
  • Grade 5: Examine food labels to determine calories and nutrients in a product (e.g., compare nutritional value and ingredients of two product labels)
  • Grade 6: Identify allergy information on food labels
  • Grade 7: Analyze and critique food labeling information to determine calories, nutrients, serving size, types of ingredients and nutritional value in a product
  • Grade 9-12: Apply concepts using food labels to meet the dietary needs of individuals for a healthy lifestyle (e.g., diabetes, lactose intolerance, food allergies)

D. Food Handling and Safety

  • Grade K: Recognize how germs are spread and apply practices to reduce germs in our community (e.g., hand washing, not eating food off, floor, not touching others' food, wash fruits and vegetables)
  • Grade 1: Illustrate proper food safety procedures (e.g., washing hands, not touching others' food, double dipping)
  • Grade 2: Recognize the four basic rules of food handling (i.e., clean, cook, chill, separate)
  • Grade 4: Describe proper food guidelines and storage (e.g., expiration date, refrigerated vs. non-refridgerated food)
  • Grade 7: Apply the four basic rules of food handling (e.g., clean, chill, cook, separate) to different food preparation situations
  • Grade 9-12: Discuss the cause and effect relationships that influence a safe food supply (e.g., regulatory agencies, food handling and production, food storage techniques, pesticides, additives, bioterrorism)

E. Food Energy and Physical Activity

  • Grade 1: Recognize that food provides the body with fuel (energy) (e.g., importance of eating breakfast)
  • Grade 2: Select foods that are nutrient-dense to provide the body with long-lasting energy for thinking and physical activity (e.g., eating fruits/vegetables versus candy/chips)
  • Grade 3: Recognize that essential nutrients provide different amounts of energy (e.g., carbohydrates, protein, fats)
  • Grade 5: Summarize the relationship between food intake and physical activity
  • Grade 7: Apply nutrition knowledge to compare the nutrient contribution of a food to its energy contribution
  • Grade 9-12: Design a nutritional plan and fitness program based on the relationship between food intake and activity level with regard to weight management and healthy living (e.g., caloric intake, calorie expenditure, weight gain, weight maintenance, and safe weight loss)
Policy Type

Missouri Code of State Regulations 5 20-200.260 Academic Standard

(G) Health/Physical Education. In health/physical education, students in Missouri public schools will acquire a solid foundation which includes knowledge of-

    1. Structures of, functions of, and relationships among human body systems;
    1. Principles and practices of physical and mental health (such as personal health habits, nutrition, stress management);
    1. Diseases and methods for prevention, treatment and control;
    1. Principles of movement and physical fitness;
    1. Methods used to assess health, reduce risk factors, and avoid high risk behaviors (such as violence, tobacco, alcohol and other drug use);
    1. Consumer health issues (such as the effects of mass media and technology on safety and health); and
    1. Responses to emergency situations.
Policy Type