Outline of the state of Connecticut

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Violence Prevention—MS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Violence Prevention—MS

State law addresses violence prevention

2019 Conn. Legis. Serv. P.A. 19-91

Not later than January 1, 2020, the Department of Education shall update the comprehensive school health education component of the Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework developed by the department in 2006 to include sexual harassment and assault, adolescent relationship abuse and intimate partner violence, and human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

Policy Type

General Statutes of Connecticut Sec. 10-222g. Prevention and intervention strategy re bullying and teen dating violence.

For the purposes of section 10-222d, the term “prevention and intervention strategy” may include, but is not limited to, (1) implementation of a positive behavioral interventions and supports process or another evidence-based model approach for safe school climate or for the prevention of bullying and teen dating violence identified by the Department of Education, (2) school rules prohibiting bullying, teen dating violence, harassment and intimidation and establishing appropriate consequences for those who engage in such acts, (3) adequate adult supervision of outdoor areas, hallways, the lunchroom and other specific areas where bullying or teen dating violence is likely to occur, (4) inclusion of grade-appropriate bullying and teen dating violence education and prevention curricula in kindergarten through high school

Policy Type