Outline of the state of Maryland

Wellness Policy

Wellness Policy

State law recommends that school districts adopt local wellness policies.

Maryland Code 7-409 Physical Education program

7) The Advisory Council shall:

  • (i) Develop and coordinate programs in collaboration with public schools to educate students regarding the importance of:
    1. Physical activity and physical movement;
    1. The relationship of physical activity to a healthy lifestyle and improved fitness;
    1. The relationship between healthy eating, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight; and
    1. The value of physical activity and its relationship to improved academic achievement and stress reduction;
  • (ii) Identify promising health and physical education practices in the State;
  • (iii) Build a network of health and physical education professionals to share information and strengthen partnerships;
  • (iv) Support successful health and physical education programs in the State and encourage the expansion of those programs; and
  • (v) Consult with organizations represented on the Advisory Council as appropriate.
Policy Type

Maryland Code 7-409 Physical Education program

7) The Advisory Council shall:

  • (i) Develop and coordinate programs in collaboration with public schools to educate students regarding the importance of:
    1. Physical activity and physical movement;
    1. The relationship of physical activity to a healthy lifestyle and improved fitness;
    1. The relationship between healthy eating, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight; and
    1. The value of physical activity and its relationship to improved academic achievement and stress reduction;
  • (ii) Identify promising health and physical education practices in the State;
  • (iii) Build a network of health and physical education professionals to share information and strengthen partnerships;
  • (iv) Support successful health and physical education programs in the State and encourage the expansion of those programs; and
  • (v) Consult with organizations represented on the Advisory Council as appropriate.
Policy Type