Outline of the state of Rhode Island
Rhode Island

Physical Activity Throughout the Day

Physical Activity Throughout the Day

State law requires physical activity incorporated throughout the school day (e.g., classroom breaks, time for physical activity).

200-RICR-20-10-1.3.3 Health and Social Service Supports

  1. Research shows that students are better able to learn when they are engaged in regular physical activity and receive adequate and proper nutrition. Therefore, each LEA shall:
    • a. Ensure the provision of statutorily required, Standard-based instruction in physical education;
    • b. Implement a policy for physical activity and nutrition and a plan to address the physical activity and nutrition needs of students;
    • c. Provide daily recess opportunities for students in grades Kindergarten through grade 5;
    • d. Provide a variety of physical activity opportunities to students in grades 6 through 12, such as stretch breaks, dance programs or classes, intramural athletics, interscholastic athletics, or other activities; ...
Policy Type