Outline of the state of New Hampshire
New Hampshire

Community Use of Public School Facilities

Community Use of Public School Facilities

State law authorizes the community use of school buildings and property for recreation or other purposes.

New Hampshire Administrative Rules Ed 321.26 Community Use.

(a) Selected areas within a school facility may be constructed in a size large enough to accommodate use of the facility for community purposes other than education. School building aid, however, shall be limited to the maximum allowable size and maximum allowable construction cost limits as described in Ed 321.04, Ed 321.06 and Ed 321.26. (b) Required educational space shall not be eliminated or reduced in order to provide community use space within the maximum size and cost limits. (c) A school district may request a waiver under Ed 321.30 for the limitation on school building aid and required educational space under Ed 321.28(a) and (b).

Policy Type

New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated 186:62. Establishment of Other Adult Education Programs.

III. It is the intent of this subdivision to: (b) Encourage the use of public school facilities by various educational groups and organizations within the community, subject to those guidelines and policies which might be established by local school boards.

Policy Type

New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated 507-B:11. Use of Municipal and School District Facilities for Skateboarding, Rollerblading, Stunt Biking, or Rollerskiing.

A municipality or school district, which without charge permits any person to use a facility operated by the municipality or school district for the purpose of skateboarding, rollerblading, stunt biking, or rollerskiing, shall not be liable for personal injury or property damage resulting from the person's participation in such activity, in the absence of gross and wanton negligence.

Policy Type