Outline of the state of Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands
Addresses at least one component

Sexual Health Education General—ES

Sexual Health Education General—ES

State law addresses at least one component of a comprehensive sex education curriculum, appropriate to grade level.

17 V.I.C. _ 41

(c)All public schools in the Virgin Islands shall instruct all students in: (3)Family life, sex education, and substance abuse, such subjects to be part of the health curriculum for grades K through 12, additionally an AIDS prevention education program shall be part of the health curriculum for grades kindergarten through 12;

Policy Type

17 V.I.C. _ 41

c)All public schools in the Virgin Islands shall instruct all students in:

  • (3)Family life, sex education, and substance abuse, such subjects to be part of the health curriculum for grades K through 12, additionally an AIDS prevention education program shall be part of the health curriculum for grades kindergarten through 12;
Policy Type