Outline of the state of Vermont
Requires medically-accurate comprehensive sex education

Sexual Health Education General—ES

Sexual Health Education General—ES

State law requires teaching comprehensive sex education, medically-accurate sex education, or otherwise addresses all elements of comprehensive sex education as defined by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States.

The Vermont Statutes 16-001-007 Comprehensive Health Education

131. Definitions

For purposes of this subchapter, “comprehensive health education” means a systematic and extensive elementary and secondary educational program designed to provide a variety of learning experiences based upon knowledge of the human organism as it functions within its environment. The term includes the study of:

(5) Family health and mental health, including instruction that promotes the development of responsible personal behavior involving decision making about sexual activity including abstinence; skills that strengthen existing family ties involving communication, cooperation, and interaction between parents and students; and instruction to aid in the establishment of strong family life in the future, thereby contributing to the enrichment of the community; and which promotes an understanding of depression and the signs of suicide risk in a family member or fellow student that includes how to respond appropriately and seek help and provides an awareness of the available school and community resources such as the local suicide crisis hotline.

(8) Human growth and development, including understanding the physical, emotional, and social elements of individual development and interpersonal relationships, including instruction in parenting methods and styles. This shall include information regarding the possible outcomes of premature sexual activity, contraceptives, adolescent pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, and abortion.

Policy Type

The Vermont Statutes 16-001-007 Comprehensive Health Education

133. Supervisor; comprehensive health education

Vermont school districts may include a module within the secondary school health class curricula relating to cervical cancer and the human papillomavirus. The Agency shall work with relevant medical authorities to update the current model module to reflect up-to-date information and practices for health education in this area.

Policy Type