Outline of the state of North Carolina
North Carolina
Addressed, but nurse availability limited

School Nurse Availability

School Nurse Availability

State law addresses availability of school nurses.

North Carolina Administrative Code 16-06D.0402 Special Health Care Services

(a) Each LEA shall make available a registered nurse for assessment, care planning, and on-going evaluation of students with special health care service needs in the school setting. Special health care services include procedures that are invasive, carry reasonable risk of harm if not performed correctly, may not have a predictable outcome, or may require additional action based on results of testing or monitoring.

Policy Type

North Carolina Administrative Code 16-06D.0402 Special Health Care Services

(c) To assure that these services are provided, LEAs shall have the flexibility to hire registered nurses, to contract with individual registered nurses, to contract for nursing services through local health departments, home care organizations, hospitals and other providers, or to negotiate coverage for planning and implementing these services with the licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant prescribing the health care procedure.

Policy Type