Outline of the state of Massachusetts

Breakfast at School

Breakfast at School

State law requires specific strategies to ensure all students eat breakfast.

General Laws of Massachusetts 15.1G Advisory councils to board; membership; duties

The school breakfast related outreach program activities shall include, but not be limited to:

(i) development of an outreach campaign to promote the link between a nutritious breakfast and the ability to learn; to make the school breakfast program attractive to all children; and to create a positive picture of school as a basic source of breakfast for all income groups. The efforts should be particularly targeted toward communities with the highest need and should include outreach to linguistic minorities;

(ii) technical assistance shall be provided and technical assistance materials shall be produced including, but not be limited to, facts and guidelines on United States Department of Agriculture requirements; ideas for increasing participation; ideas for safeguarding confidentiality; ways to involve parents and other members of the community; and suggestions for creative menus; and

(iii) technical assistance shall be provided for the development of new and innovative proposals including a “school breakfast period” during existing school hours in schools in which a majority of children are program eligible, and a universal breakfast program in school systems with eighty percent of the students eligible.

Policy Type