Breakfast at School
Breakfast at School
State law recommends strategies to ensure students eat breakfast in the morning or maintains a program that only applies to certain schools (e.g., schools with 70% FRPL students).
8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 114.1 School breakfast program.
(h) Breakfast after the Bell program. (1) All participating public elementary or secondary schools in this state, not including a charter school authorized by article 56 of the education law, with at least seventy percent or more of its students eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the federal National School Lunch Program as determined by the Commissioner based upon data submitted by schools through the basic educational data system (BEDS) for the prior school year, shall be required to offer all students a school breakfast after the instructional day has begun. (2) Each public school may determine the breakfast service delivery model that best suits its students. Service delivery models may include, but are not limited to, breakfast in the classroom, grab and go breakfast, and breakfast served in the cafeteria. Time spent by students consuming breakfast may be considered instructional time when students consume breakfast in the students' classrooms and instruction is being provided while students are consuming breakfast. In determining a service delivery model, schools shall consult with teachers, parents, students and members of the community.
MEMORANDUM: New York State Legislation: Mandatory Breakfast After the Bell Implementation and Reporting of Breakfast Delivery Methods
Memo addresses strategies to provide breakfast to students.