Outline of the state of Utah
Requires nutrition standards that meet federal smart snacks requirements

Competitive Foods—ES

Competitive Foods—ES

State law requires that food and beverages sold outside of school meal programs meet federal Smart Snacks nutrition standards.

Utah Administrative Code 277-719-4 LEA Policies Regarding Competitive Food Sales on Campus

(4)(a) A competitive food item that is sold by an LEA or an employee or agent shall meet federal nutrition Standard.

Policy Type

Utah Administrative Code 277-719-4 LEA Policies Regarding Competitive Food Sales on Campus

(1) Federal nutrition Standard apply to the sale of competitive foods in all schools offering programs authorized by federal child nutrition laws on the school campus during the school day.

Policy Type

Utah Administrative Code 277-719-5 Fundraising Using Food or Beverages

(1) An LEA shall comply with the Standard set forth in this Section if the LEA has a school that offers programs under federal child nutrition laws on a school campus during the school day.

(2)(a) Competitive food and beverage items sold during the school day shall meet federal nutrition Standard.

  • (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), a school may sell food or beverages that do not meet the competitive food Standard for the purpose of conducting infrequent school-sponsored fundraisers, subject to the following restrictions:
  • (i) An LEA may not hold an exempt fundraiser more than three times per year per site;
  • (ii) An exempt fundraiser may not last more than five consecutive days; and
  • (iii) The principal of a school holding an exempt fundraiser shall designate an individual to maintain records for the fundraiser.
Policy Type