ATTENTION: NASBE will no longer be able to maintain, support, or update the State Policy Database on School Health. As a result, public access to the database will be discontinued on January 17, 2025. If you are currently using the database and have an ongoing, short-term need to access its content, please contact Renee Lang at NASBE at to make arrangements.

Outline of the state of Kansas

School Meals

School Meals

State law requires that School Meals-meet USDA nutrition standards.

Kansas Administrative Regulations 91-26-1. Requirements for participation

(c) Agreements. (1) The board shall comply with all stipulations in the written agreement between the board and the state board, with local food service policies of the board, with K.A.R. 91-26-1 et seq. and with 7 CFR parts 210, 215, 220, 230, 240, and 245 of the food and nutrition service of United States department of agriculture, when applicable, when a contract is made with a food service management company to manage school food service programs.

Policy Type

School Nutrition Programs: National School Lunch Program

Kansas school sponsors that participate in the lunch program receive reimbursement from USDA for each meal served to eligible students. In return, they must serve lunches that meet federal requirements, and offer reduced price and free lunches to eligible students.

Policy Type