Outline of the state of California
Not addressed

Physical Education Substitutions

Physical Education Substitutions

Topic is not addressed in state statutes or regulations.

California Education Code 51241 Exemptions from Requirements

(a) The governing board of a school district or the office of the county superintendent of schools of a county may grant a temporary exemption to a pupil from courses in physical education, if the pupil is one of the following:

  • (1) Ill or injured and a modified program to meet the needs of the pupil cannot be provided.
  • (2) Enrolled for one-half, or less, of the work normally required of full-time pupils.
Policy Type

California Education Code 51242 Exemptions from Requirements

The governing board of a school district may exempt any four–year or senior high school pupil from attending courses of physical education, if the pupil is engaged in a regular school–sponsored interscholastic athletic program carried on wholly or partially after regular school hours.

Policy Type

California Education Code 51246 Exemptions from Requirements

The governing board of a school district may exempt any pupil enrolled in his last semester or quarter, as the case may be, of the 12th grade who, pursuant to Section 46145 or 46147, is permitted to attend school less than 240 or 180 minutes per day, from attending courses of physical education; provided, however, that such pupil may not be exempted pursuant to this section from attending courses of physical education if such pupil would, after such exemption, attend school for 240 minutes or more per day.

Policy Type