Outline of the state of Pennsylvania

Bullying Policy—Scope

Bullying Policy—Scope

State law defines the scope of where the anti-bullying policy applies.

Pennsylvania Unconsolidated Statutes 1949 Act 14. Article XIII-A. Safe Schools. Section 1303.1-A. Policy Related to Bullying.

(d)  In its policy relating to bullying adopted or maintained under subsection (a), a school entity shall not be prohibited from defining bullying in such a way as to encompass acts that occur outside a school setting if those acts meet the requirements contained in subsection (e)(1), (3) and (4). If a school entity reports acts of bullying to the office in accordance with section 1303-A(b), it shall report all incidents that qualify as bullying under the entity’s adopted definition of that term. (e)  For purposes of this article, “bullying” shall mean an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act, or a series of acts: (1)  directed at another student or students; (2)  which occurs in a school setting; (3)  that is severe, persistent or pervasive; and (4)  that has the effect of doing any of the following: (i)  substantially interfering with a student’s education; (ii)  creating a threatening environment; or (iii)  substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school; and “school setting” shall mean in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school.

Policy Type