Outline of the state of Pennsylvania
Not addressed

Limits on Exclusionary Discipline

Limits on Exclusionary Discipline

Topic is not addressed in state statutes or regulations.

The Pennsylvania Code § 12.6. Exclusions from school

(a) The governing board shall define and publish the types of offenses that would lead to exclusion from school. Exclusions affecting certain students with disabilities shall be governed by § 14.143 (relating to disciplinary placements) and 34 CFR 300.519 -- 300.529 (relating to discipline procedures). (b) Exclusion from school may take the form of suspension or expulsion. ... (v) Suspensions may not be made to run consecutively beyond the 10 school day period.

Policy Type

The Pennsylvania Code § 12.7. Exclusion from classes—in-school suspension.

(a) A student may not receive an in-school suspension unless the student has been informed of the reasons for the suspension and has been given an opportunity to respond before the suspension becomes effective. (b) Communication to the parents or guardian shall follow the suspension action taken by the school. (c) When the in-school suspension exceeds 10 consecutive school days, an informal hearing with the principal shall be offered to the student and the student's parent or guardian prior to the 11th school day in accordance with the procedures in § 12.8 (relating to hearings). (d) The student's school entity has the responsibility to make provision for the student's education during the period of the in-school suspension.

Policy Type