Outline of the state of Texas
Monitoring required

Equitable Discipline Practices

Equitable Discipline Practices

State law requires districts to monitor disproportionality in discipline practices within general education populations.

Texas Statutes Education Code 37.020. Reports Relating to Out-of-School Suspensions, Expulsions, and Disciplinary Alternative Education Program Placements.

(a) In the manner required by the commissioner, each school district shall annually report to the commissioner the information required by this section. (c) For each expulsion under Section 37.007, the district shall report: (1) information identifying the student, including the student’s race, sex, and date of birth, that will enable the agency to compare placement data with information collected through other reports; (2) information indicating whether the expulsion was based on: (A) conduct for which expulsion is required under Section 37.007, including information specifically indicating whether a student was expelled on the basis of Section 37.007(e); or (B) conduct for which expulsion is permitted under Section 37.007; (3) the number of full or partial days the student was expelled; (4) information indicating whether: (A) the student was placed in a juvenile justice alternative education program under Section 37.011; (B) the student was placed in a disciplinary alternative education program; or (C) the student was not placed in a juvenile justice or other disciplinary alternative education program; and (5) the number of expulsions that were inconsistent with the guidelines included in the student code of conduct under Section 37.001(a)(5). (d) [Expired September 1, 2019] (e) [Expired September 1, 2019] (f) For each out-of-school suspension under Section 37.005, the district shall report: (1) information identifying the student, including the student’s race, sex, and date of birth, that will enable the agency to compare placement data with information collected through other reports; (2) information indicating the basis for the suspension; (3) the number of full or partial days the student was suspended; and (4) the number of out-of-school suspensions that were inconsistent with the guidelines included in the student code of conduct under Section 37.001(a)(3).

Policy Type

Texas Statutes Education Code 37.115. Threat Assessment and Safe and Supportive School Program and Team.

(k) A team must report to the agency in accordance with guidelines developed by the agency the following information regarding the team’s activities and other information for each school district campus the team serves: (1) the occupation of each person appointed to the team; (2) the number of threats and a description of the type of the threats reported to the team; (3) the outcome of each assessment made by the team, including: (A) any disciplinary action taken, including a change in school placement; (B) any action taken by law enforcement; or (C) a referral to or change in counseling, mental health, special education, or other services; (4) the total number, disaggregated by student gender, race, and status as receiving special education services, being at risk of dropping out of school, being in foster care, experiencing homelessness, being a dependent of military personnel, being pregnant or a parent, having limited English proficiency, or being a migratory child, of, in connection with an assessment or reported threat by the team: (A) citations issued for Class C misdemeanor offenses; (B) arrests; (C) incidents of uses of restraint; (D) changes in school placement, including placement in a juvenile justice alternative education program or disciplinary alternative education program; (E) referrals to or changes in counseling, mental health, special education, or other services; (F) placements in in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension and incidents of expulsion; (G) unexcused absences of 15 or more days during the school year; and (H) referrals to juvenile court for truancy.

Policy Type

Texas Statutes Education Code 39.332 Comprehensive Biennial Report

(b)(4)  The report must contain a summary compilation of overall performance of students placed in a disciplinary alternative education program established under Section 37.008 on academic skills assessment instruments required by Section 39.023 with the number of those students exempted from the administration of those instruments and the basis of the exemptions, aggregated by district, grade level, and subject area, with appropriate interpretations and analysis, and disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status.

Policy Type