Equitable Discipline Practices
Equitable Discipline Practices
Equitable Discipline Practices
Equitable Discipline Practices
State law requires districts to monitor disproportionality in discipline practices within general education populations.
Discipline and Restorative Practices
This page addresses equity and discipline disporportionality and provides strategies and links to resources for developing equity policies.
Policy Type
Nevada Revised Statutes 385A.250. Discipline of pupils
- The annual report of accountability prepared pursuant to NRS 385A.070 must include information on the discipline of pupils, including, without limitation: (a) Records of incidents involving weapons or violence for each school in the district, including, without limitation, each charter school sponsored by the district. (b) Records of incidents involving the use or possession of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances for each school in the district, including, without limitation, each charter school sponsored by the district. (c) Records of the suspension or expulsion, or both, of pupils required or authorized pursuant to NRS 392.466 and 392.467. (d) The number of pupils who are deemed habitual disciplinary problems pursuant to NRS 392.4655, for each school in the district and the district as a whole, including, without limitation, each charter school sponsored by the district. (e) For each school in the district and the district as a whole, including, without limitation, each charter school sponsored by the district: (1) The number of reported violations of NRS 388.135 occurring at a school or otherwise involving a pupil enrolled at a school, regardless of the outcome of the investigation conducted pursuant to NRS 388.1351; (2) The number of incidents determined to be bullying or cyber-bullying after an investigation is conducted pursuant to NRS 388.1351; (3) The number of incidents resulting in suspension or expulsion, or both, for bullying or cyber-bullying; and (4) Any actions taken to reduce the number of incidents of bullying or cyber-bullying including, without limitation, training that was offered or other policies, practices and programs that were implemented. (f) For each high school in the district, including, without limitation, each charter school sponsored by the district that operates as a high school, and for high schools in the district as a whole: (1) The number and percentage of pupils whose violations of the code of honor relating to cheating prescribed pursuant to NRS 392.461 or any other code of honor applicable to pupils enrolled in high school were reported to the principal of the high school, reported by the type of violation; (2) The consequences, if any, to the pupil whose violation is reported pursuant to subparagraph (1), reported by the type of consequence; (3) The number of any such violations of a code of honor in a previous school year by a pupil whose violation is reported pursuant to subparagraph (1), reported by the type of violation; and (4) The process used by the high school to address violations of a code of honor which are reported to the principal.
- The information included pursuant to subsection 1 must allow such information to be disaggregated by: (a) Pupils who are economically disadvantaged; (b) Pupils from major racial and ethnic groups; (c) Pupils with disabilities; (d) Pupils who are English learners; (e) Pupils who are migratory children; (f) Gender; (g) Pupils who are homeless; (h) Pupils in foster care; and (i) Pupils whose parent or guardian is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof or the National Guard.
- As used in this section: (a) “Bullying” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 388.122. (b) “Cyber-bullying” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 388.123.
Policy Type
Nevada Revised Statutes 385A.840. Collection and reporting of data on discipline of pupils.
- Each public school in this State shall collect data on the discipline of pupils. Such data must: (a) Be reported annually to the Department through the automated system of accountability information established pursuant to NRS 385A.800; (b) Be disaggregated into subgroups of pupils; and (c) Include occurrences of suspension and expulsion as separate offenses.
- The Department shall: (a) Develop and provide guidance to each school district in this State on methods and procedures for the collection of data on the discipline of pupils pursuant to subsection 1; (b) Establish standard definitions of an offense for which a pupil may be disciplined and any related sanctions; and (c) Provide training and professional development to educational personnel relating to the reporting and analysis of data on the discipline of pupils. Such training must, without limitation, provide educational personnel with the ability to create a report of any data on the discipline of pupils, interpret the results of such a report and develop a responsive plan of action based on the results of such a report.
Policy Type
Nevada Revised Statutes 392.462. Collection by public school of data on discipline of pupils.
Each public school shall collect data on the discipline of pupils. Such data must include, without limitation, the number of expulsions and suspensions of pupils and the number of placements of pupils in another school. Such data must be disaggregated into subgroups of pupils and the types of offense. The principal of each public school shall:
- Review the data and take appropriate action; and
- Report the data to the board of trustees of the school district each quarter.
Policy Type