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Outline of the state of Delaware

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Tobacco Use—ES

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Tobacco Use—ES

State law addresses tobacco use.

Delaware Administrative Code 14-800-851 Comprehensive Health Education Program

Section 851 K to 12 Comprehensive Health Education Program

1.0 Program Requirements

  • 1.1 Each school district and charter school shall have a sequential, skill-based K to 12 Comprehensive Health Education Program based on the Delaware Health Education Standard that establishes a foundation of understanding the relationship between personal behavior and health and shall include at a minimum the following:

    • 1.1.1 Identification of a district level person to coordinate the district program and a coordinator in each building to assure compliance at the building level. Each charter school shall identify a person to coordinate the program for the charter school.

    • 1.1.2 Appointment of persons such as teachers, parents, school nurses, community leaders, guidance counselors, law enforcement officers and others with expertise in the areas of health, family life and safe and drug free schools and communities to serve as members of the District Consolidated Application Planning Committee.

    • 1.1.3 The use of the state content Standard for health education for grades K to 12 to address the core concepts: tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, injury prevention and safety, nutrition and, physical activity, family life and sexuality, personal health and wellness, mental, health and community and environmental health with minimum hours of instruction as follows:

      • In grades K to 4, a minimum of thirty (30) hours in each grade of comprehensive health education and family life education of which ten (10) hours, in each grade, must address drug and alcohol education.

      • In grades 5 and 6, a minimum of thirty five (35) hours in each grade of comprehensive health education and family life education of which fifteen (15) hours, in each grade, must address drug and alcohol education.

      • In grades 7 and 8, separate from other subject areas, a minimum of sixty (60) hours of comprehensive health education [and family life education] of which fifteen (15) hours, in each grade, must address drug and alcohol education. If all of the 60 hours are provided in one year at grade 7 or 8, an additional fifteen hours of drug and alcohol education must be provided in the other grade.

      • In grades 9 to 12, one half (1/2) credit of comprehensive health education is required for graduation of which fifteen (15) hours of this 1/2 credit course must address drug and alcohol education.

Policy Type

Delaware Administrative Code 14-800-851 Comprehensive Health Education Program

1.1.7 Inclusion of an evidence-based tobacco, alcohol, drug and interpersonal violence prevention program.

Policy Type

Delaware Code 122 Rules and regulations

(16) Requiring health and wellness educational programs for grades K through 12, emphasizing the health enhancement benefits of seat belt usage, exercise, proper nutrition, and the avoidance of unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and drug abuse. Rules and regulations on this subject shall be proposed by the Secretary subject to approval by the State Board of Education. An advisory and resource committee comprised of the Secretary of Public Safety, the Secretary of Health and Social Services, and the Secretary of Education is hereby established to assist in the development of the program;

Policy Type