Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Benefits of Physical Activity—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Benefits of Physical Activity—MS
State law addresses physical activity.
Tennessee Health Education and Lifetime Wellness Standard, Middle School Standard
Outline of health education requirement
Tennessee Health Education Standard.
Component: Personal Wellness Subcomponent: Physical Activity and Fitness
Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
6.PW.7 Identify the importance of participation in the recommended one hour of daily physical activity.
7.PW.7 Describe the importance of participation in the recommended one hour of daily physical activity.
8.PW.7 Determine the benefits of exercise during all stages of life for improved physical fitness.
6.PW.8 Explain the benefits of exercise for improved social, mental, and physical health.
7.PW.8 Describe how physical activity relates to stress management and inoculation, socialization, and mental acuity.
8.PW.8 Research various physical activities and analyze their social, emotional, and physical benefits.