Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—MS
State law addresses personal health and wellness.
Tennessee Health Education and Lifetime Wellness Standard, Middle School Standard
Outline of health education requirement
Tennessee Health Education Standard. Personal Wellness. Personal Hygiene. Grades 6-8.
Component: Personal Wellness Subcomponent: Personal Hygiene
Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
6.PW.5 Identify and evaluate basic personal hygiene habits.
7.PW.5 Analyze the changes in hygiene required due to physical changes during adolescence.
8.PW.5 Discuss the physical, emotional, and social implications of personal hygiene.
6.PW.6 Identify personal hygiene practices and health/safety issues related to puberty (e.g., showering, use of sanitary products, deodorant, and cleaning of athletic gear).
7.PW.6 Compare personal hygiene practices and health/safety issues related to puberty (e.g., showering, use of sanitary products, deodorant, and cleaning of athletic gear).
8.PW.6 Differentiate personal hygiene practices and health/safety issues related to puberty (e.g., showering, use of sanitary products, deodorant, and cleaning of athletic gear).