Engagement of Parents of English Language Learners
Engagement of Parents of English Language Learners
State law encourages parent and family engagement as a component of English Language Learner (ELL) programs.
Georgia Compiled Rules & Regulations 160-1-4-.279 Personnel Devlopment and Parental Involvement Activity Grant for English Language Learners
Purpose of Grant. This grant will improve the capacity of participating schools to appropriately serve limited English proficient children, including immigrant children and youth, and will also provide support for needed parental involvement activities.
Term and Conditions. Recipient Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs) must provide professional learning opportunities for teachers in Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) with low-density English language learner (ELL) populations. Recipient RESAs must increase parental involvement activities aimed at increasing the ability of the parents and guardians of ELL students to support the academic achievement of their children.
Georgia Compiled Rules & Regulations 160-3-1-.07. Testing Programs - Student Assessment
- The EL Testing Participation Committee shall be composed of a minimum of three members, one of whom is a certified educator. The EL/ ESOL teacher/ paraprofessional/ aide currently serving the student with English language assistance is required to be a member of the committee. The remaining members shall be chosen from the following: regular language arts, reading or English teacher; student's parent or legal guardian or the student, if 18 years or older; school administrator; other content area teachers; counselor; school psychologist; and lead teacher. Documentation of each EL Testing Participation Committee shall be placed in the student's permanent record. These documents shall contain the following information: names of participants; date(s) of meeting(s); date of entry into U.S. schools; test scores proving eligibility for ESOL services; the dates of administration and the name of the tests to be administered; alternatives considered (i.e., regular administration, accommodations); final action including specific accommodations for each test/subtest consistent with current instructional accommodations; signatures of committee members, school administrator and, parent, legal guardian or student if 18 years or older. The list of tests to be administered must include all state assessments that are mandated for the student's grade level. In addition to these state assessments, students who are required to participate in language proficiency tests under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act must participate in the language proficiency test prescribed by the state.
New ESSA Requirement for Title I, Part A Outreach to Parents of English Learners
Document provides information on implementing an effective means of outreach to parents of English learners.
Parents of English Learners
Site provides information and resources for parent and family engagement of English learners.