Outline of the state of Rhode Island
Rhode Island

Engagement of Parents of English Language Learners

Engagement of Parents of English Language Learners

State law requires parent and family engagement as a component of English Language Learner (ELL) programs.

Regulations Governing the Education of English Learners in Rhode Island

Section L-4-21. Parent Involvement. Each district shall provide for the involvement of parents of English Language Learners in the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs for these students.

Section L-4-22. Minimum Criteria for Parent Involvement. (a) The school district together with the liaison, shall develop a written parent-involvement plan that includes outreach to the ELL community. Parents shall be informed of the multiple ways that they can become involved in the education of their children, not only in ELL programs, but also in other school programs, services, and activities. (b) The school district shall provide culturally and linguistically appropriate parent-education programs or parent outreach and training activities that are designed to assist all parents of ELL students to become active participants in the education of their children. (c) The school district shall include input from the parents of English Language Learners when it considers improvements not only in ELL programs but also when it considers improvements in other school programs in which English Language Learners may be involved. (d) The school district shall present the annual ELL action plan from the District Strategic Plan and the Federal Title III component of the Consolidated Resource Plan for parent review. Results of English Language Learner performance on state assessments and ELL graduation rates shall be provided annually to parents. (e) The school district shall require each one of its schools to have at least one parent representative of ELL students from each of the language groups with more than 20 students in that school to serve on School Improvement Teams (SIT). School Improvement Teams shall receive training and information on relevant ELL issues including, but not limited to, ELL state regulations and federal programs (f) Parents shall be informed of their right to decline to have their child participate in English Language Learner programs and to remove their child from English Language Learner programs. (20 U.S.C. 7012 (a)(7) Parents will also be informed that even though ELL program services are waived, the student will still be considered to be an English Language Learner who must be assessed on the state's annual English Language Proficiency assessment. If a family does not participate in the identification, assessment and placement process, the student shall not be penalized; additional outreach and attention shall be given to the family to educate them about the process and to encourage participation.

Policy Type

State of Rhode Island General Laws § 16-54-3. Regulation of the board of regents for elementary and secondary education

It shall be the duty of the board of regents for elementary and secondary education to establish and promulgate regulations for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this chapter. These regulations shall include, but are not limited to: (1) Criteria for the identification, assessment, placement, and exiting of eligible students; (2) Criteria for an appropriate educational program or service; (3) Criteria for the monitoring and evaluation of educational programs; (4) Administrative procedures for state reimbursement of approved programs and services; (5) Definitions of responsibilities of the local school committees and the department of elementary and secondary education; (6) Criteria for parent involvement; (7) Time line for phasing in services and programs to assure that the process begins and that all eligible children are served.

Policy Type

State of Rhode Island General Laws § 16-97.1-1. Performances of local education agencies and individual public schools -- Evaluation system -- Assessment instruments -- Reports

(q) Each school district required to provide an English language learners program shall file the following information with the department annually: (10) The participation of parents through parent advisory councils.

Policy Type