Outline of the state of Hawaii

Parent Supports and Education Programs

Parent Supports and Education Programs

State law encourages districts to implement parent education or support programs to address family needs.

Hawaii Revised Statutes 302A-432 Adult and community education authorized.

To provide increased opportunity for the people of Hawaii, the department shall establish and regulate a program of adult and community education of less than college grade. The department shall provide public school buildings and other facilities, and use public school equipment under conditions determined by the department, when the equipment is needed, for adult and community education programs.

Policy Type

Hawaii Revised Statutes 302A-433 Scope of adult and community education programs offered.

As rapidly as resources are available and interest is developed, instructional programs shall be initiated in the following fields:

  • (1) Basic elementary education. A foundation program in reading and speaking English, writing, and arithmetic for persons with no schooling or only primary grade training;

  • (2) Advanced elementary education. A program in advanced elementary education for those persons who have completed four to eight years of schooling and who desire to obtain more complete mastery of the fundamentals;

  • (3) Secondary education. A program of secondary education for those adults who, in youth, left school or for some reason had their education curtailed and who now desire to continue their education; for those youths who have been excepted from compulsory attendance under section 302A-1132; and for those youths who are in need of courses to complete their high school graduation requirements;

  • (4) Adult literacy education. A basic program in reading and writing English, and arithmetic for persons who need to develop or improve their mastery of basic literacy skills in these areas for purposes of enhancing their personal, social, or employment lives;

  • (5) Homemaking and parent education. A program in homemaking and parent education for all those parents and other adults who desire training in family life, including child care, nursing, budgeting, and other instruction basic to homemaking;

Policy Type

Support for Parents

Site provides parent support resources through its Community Children’s Councils (for special needs children) and its Student Support Branch (providing socio-emotional supports and training for staff in schools), and nonprofit family service agencies who provide needed outreach to low-income families.

Policy Type