Outline of the state of Vermont

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Alcohol and Drug Use or Abuse—MS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Alcohol and Drug Use or Abuse—MS

State law addresses alcohol and Drug-use/abuse.

Code of Vermont Rules 22-000-003-2120.5 Curriculum Content

Each school shall provide comprehensive elementary and secondary health and physical education learning experiences, including the effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs on the human system for all students in accordance with sections 16 V.S.A. §131 and §906(b)(3).

Policy Type

The Vermont Statues 16-023-001-906 Course of Study

(b) For purposes of this title, the minimum course of study means learning experiences adapted to a student's age and ability in the fields of:

  • (1) basic communication skills, including reading, writing, and the use of numbers;
  • (2) citizenship, history, and government in Vermont and the United States;
  • (3) physical education and comprehensive health education, including the effects of tobacco, alcoholic drinks, and drugs on the human system and on society;
  • (4) English, American, and other literature;
  • (5) the natural sciences; and
  • (6) the fine arts.
Policy Type

The Vermont Statutes 16-001-007 Comprehensive Health Education

131. Definitions

For purposes of this subchapter, “comprehensive health education” means a systematic and extensive elementary and secondary educational program designed to provide a variety of learning experiences based upon knowledge of the human organism as it functions within its environment. The term includes the study of:

(1) Body structure and function, including the physical, psychosocial and psychological basis of human development, sexuality, and reproduction.

(2) Community health to include environmental health, pollution, public health, and world health.

(3) Safety including:

  • (A) first aid, disaster prevention, and accident prevention; and
  • (B) information regarding and practice of compression-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators.

(4) Disease, such as HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, as well as other communicable diseases, and the prevention of disease.

(5) Family health and mental health, including instruction that promotes the development of responsible personal behavior involving decision making about sexual activity including abstinence; skills that strengthen existing family ties involving communication, cooperation, and interaction between parents and students; and instruction to aid in the establishment of strong family life in the future, thereby contributing to the enrichment of the community; and which promotes an understanding of depression and the signs of suicide risk in a family member or fellow student that includes how to respond appropriately and seek help and provides an awareness of the available school and community resources such as the local suicide crisis hotline.

(6) Personal health habits including dental health.

(7) Consumer health, including health careers, health costs, and utilizing health services.

(8) Human growth and development, including understanding the physical, emotional, and social elements of individual development and interpersonal relationships, including instruction in parenting methods and styles. This shall include information regarding the possible outcomes of premature sexual activity, contraceptives, adolescent pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, and abortion.

(9) Drugs, including education about alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and prescribed drugs.

(10) Nutrition.

(11) How to recognize and prevent sexual abuse and sexual violence, including developmentally appropriate instruction about promoting healthy and respectful relationships, developing and maintaining effective communication with trusted adults, recognizing sexually offending behaviors, and gaining awareness of available school and community resources. An employee of the school shall be in the room during the provision of all instructionor information presented under this subdivision.

Policy Type

The Vermont Statutes 16-023-001-909 Tobacco use alcohol and drug abuse prevention education curriculum

(a) The Secretary, in conjunction with the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council, and where appropriate, with the Division of Health Promotion, shall develop a sequential alcohol and drug abuse prevention education curriculum for elementary and secondary schools. The curriculum shall include teaching about the effects and legal consequences of the possession and use of tobacco products.

Policy Type