Outline of the state of Rhode Island
Rhode Island

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—HS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—HS

State law requires high school HE curriculum.

200-RICR-20-10-1.2.1 A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

  1. Each LEA shall provide a comprehensive program of study in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, the sciences, visual arts & design and the performing arts, engineering and technology, comprehensive health, and world languages throughout the PK - 12 system.
Policy Type

216-RICR-20-10-4.4 General Requirements

A. All schools, as defined in § 4.3(A)(47) of this Part, that are approved pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 16-19-1 and 16-19-2 are required to have a comprehensive school health program approved by RIDE and RIDOH in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-21-7. B. A comprehensive school health program as defined in § 4.3(A)(11) of this Part, consists of three (3) components:

  1. Health education;
  2. Health services; and
  3. A healthful school environment
  4. The health education program (curriculum and personnel) for non-public schools must be consistent with the provisions of § 4.5(A) of this Part.
Policy Type


"This document is primarily designed for use by those involved in K-12 comprehensive health education curriculum development at the district and grade level. It is meant to serve as a guideline and resource for those in a school district charged with developing sequential teaching, learning and assessment opportunities for students K – 12."

Policy Type

State of Rhode Island General Laws § 16-1-5. Duties of commissioner of elementary and secondary education.

It shall be the duty of the commissioner of elementary and secondary education:

(14) To establish health education, alcohol and substance abuse programs for students in grades kindergarten (K) through twelve (12), in accordance with § 35-4-18. The program will consist of the following: A mandated state health education, alcohol and substance abuse, curriculum for grades kindergarten (K) through twelve (12), a mandated assessment program in the areas of health, fitness, alcohol and substance abuse, and an in-service training program which will be developed specifically for the implementation of the mandated curriculum.

Policy Type

State of Rhode Island General Laws § 16-22-4. Instruction in health and physical education.

(a) All children in grades one through twelve (12) attending public schools, or any other schools managed and controlled by the state, shall receive in those schools instruction in health and physical education under rules and regulations the department of elementary and secondary education may prescribe or approve during periods that shall average at least twenty (20) minutes in each school day.

Policy Type