Outline of the state of New York
New York

Chronic Conditions—Allergy Plan

Chronic Conditions—Allergy Plan

State law addresses allergy plans.

8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 136.7 Self-administration of certain medications by students.

(3) Upon written request of a parent or person in parental relation the school district or board of cooperative educational services, as applicable, shall allow the student to maintain an extra epinephrine auto injector in the care and custody of a licensed nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant. or physician employed by such district or board of cooperative educational services.

Policy Type

8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 136.7 Self-administration of certain medications by students.

(1) Each board of education or trustees of each school district and each board of cooperative educational services shall allow a student to carry and self-administer their prescribed epinephrine auto injector during the school day, on school property and at any school function, if the student provides the school with:

  • (i) written consent from the parent or person in parental relation; ...
Policy Type

New York Consolidated Laws 2500-h Anaphylactic policy for school districts.

(a) The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of education, shall establish an anaphylactic policy for school districts setting forth guidelines and procedures to be followed for both the prevention of anaphylaxis and during a medical emergency resulting from anaphylaxis. Such policy shall be developed after consultation with representatives of pediatric physicians, school nurses and other health care providers with expertise in treating children with anaphylaxis, parents of children with life threatening allergies, school administrators, teachers, school food service directors and appropriate not-for-profit corporations representing allergic individuals at risk for anaphylaxis.

Policy Type

New York Consolidated Laws 2500-H*2 Anaphylactic policy for school districts and child care providers.

  1. The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of education, shall establish an anaphylactic policy for school districts setting forth guidelines and procedures to be followed for both the prevention of anaphylaxis and during a medical emergency resulting from anaphylaxis. Such policy shall be developed after consultation with representatives of pediatric physicians, school nurses and other health care providers with expertise in treating children with anaphylaxis, parents of children with life threatening allergies, school administrators, teachers, school food service directors and appropriate not-for-profit corporations representing allergic individuals at risk for anaphylaxis.

  2. The anaphylactic policy established by subdivision one of this section shall include the following:

    • (a) a procedure and treatment plan, including responsibilities for school nurses and other appropriate school personnel, for responding to anaphylaxis;
    • (b) a training course for appropriate school personnel for preventing and responding to anaphylaxis;
    • (c) a procedure and appropriate guidelines for the development of an individualized emergency health care plan for children with a food or other allergy which could result in anaphylaxis;
    • (d) a communication plan for intake and dissemination of information regarding children with a food or other allergy which could result in anaphylaxis; and
    • (e) strategies for the reduction of the risk of exposure to anaphylactic causative agents, including food and other allergens.
Policy Type

New York Consolidated Laws 916-A Pupils with allergies.

  1. The board of education or trustees of each school district and board of cooperative educational services shall allow pupils who have been diagnosed by a physician or other duly authorized health care provider with an allergy to carry and use a prescribed epinephrine auto injector for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions during the school day on school property and at any school function as such terms are defined, respectively, by subdivisions one and two of section eleven of this chapter, with the written permission of a physician or other duly authorized health provider, and written parental consent.
Policy Type