Outline of the state of Mississippi

Alternative Education for Expelled Students

Alternative Education for Expelled Students

State law requires districts to operate alternative school programs or to provide educational services to expelled students in an alternative setting.

Alternative Education Support Manual

This manual provides guidance to school districts establishing, maintaining, and operating alternative school programs.

Policy Type

Mississippi Administrative Code 7-3-7 Alternate Education Programs


  1. The alternative school program is defined through written board-approved policies and procedures that define and provide appropriate educational opportunities for the categories of students to be served. Further, the program must meet the requirements of Mississippi Code Section 37-13-92.

  2. Alternative school placement shall be for, but not limited to, the following categories of compulsory school age students;

    • a. whose presence in the classroom is a disruption to the educational environment of the school or a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the students and teacher;
    • b. who has been suspended for more than ten (10) days or expelled from school, except for any student expelled for possession of a weapon or other felonious acts;
    • c. who are referred by the dispositive order of a chancellor or youth court judge, with the consent of the school district's superintendent; and
    • d. who has been referred by the parent, legal guardian or custodian of such child due to disciplinary problems (37-13-92).
  3. The removal of a student to an alternative education program shall include a process of educational review to develop the student's individual instruction plan.

  4. Alternative school placement shall be determined individually on a case-by-case basis and applied consistently.

  5. School districts are without discretion to establish categories or classes of offenses for which the penalty is total removal from the school setting. Thus, unless a child has been suspended or expelled from school for possession of a weapon or other felonious conduct, the student must be assigned to the alternative school for that school district. The district is cautioned not to have policies that remove students from the traditional school setting to an alternative school setting for minor infractions. If the acts of a student, although not rising to the level of a felony, are such that the student poses a threat to the safety of himself or others or will disrupt the educational process at the alternative school, the school district is not required to admit the student into the alternative school.

Policy Type

Mississippi Code 37-13-92 Alternative school program for compulsory-school-age students; placement of children in alternative school; transportation of students; expenses; annual report

(1) Beginning with the school year 2004-2005, the school boards of all school districts shall establish, maintain and operate, in connection with the regular programs of the school district, an alternative school program or behavior modification program as defined by the State Board of Education for, but not limited to, the following categories of compulsory-school-age students:

  • (a) Any compulsory-school-age child who has been suspended for more than ten (10) days or expelled from school, except for any student expelled for possession of a weapon or other felonious conduct;

  • (b) Any compulsory-school-age child referred to such alternative school based upon a documented need for placement in the alternative school program by the parent, legal guardian or custodian of such child due to disciplinary problems;

  • (c) Any compulsory-school-age child referred to such alternative school program by the dispositive order of a chancellor or youth court judge, with the consent of the superintendent of the child's school district;

  • (d) Any compulsory-school-age child whose presence in the classroom, in the determination of the school superintendent or principal, is a disruption to the educational environment of the school or a detriment to the interest and welfare of the students and teachers of such class as a whole; and

  • (e) No school district is required to place a child returning from out-of-home placement in the mental health, juvenile justice or foster care system in alternative school. Placement of a child in the alternative school shall be done consistently, and for students identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), shall adhere to the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. If a school district chooses to place a child in alternative school the district will make an individual assessment and evaluation of that child in the following time periods:

  • (i) Five (5) days for a child transitioning from a group home, mental health care system, and/or the custody of the Department of Human Services, Division of Youth and Family Services;

  • (ii) Ten (10) days for a child transitioning from a dispositional placement order by a youth court pursuant to Section 43-21-605; and

  • (iii) An individualized assessment for youth transitioning from out-of-home placement to the alternative school shall include:

    1. A strength needs assessment.
    1. A determination of the child's academic strengths and deficiencies.
    1. A proposed plan for transitioning the child to a regular education placement at the earliest possible date.
Policy Type