Outline of the state of Hawaii

Bullying Policy—Reporting and Investigations

Bullying Policy—Reporting and Investigations

State law addresses reporting and investigations.

Hawaii Administrative Rules 8-19 Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews, and Arrests and Restitution for Vandalism.

(a) Immediately after making a crisis removal or whenever the principal or designee has reason to believe that a student has engaged in an activity warranting the imposition of a suspension, the principal or designee shall initiate a thorough investigation.

(b) When conducting an investigation, the principal or designee shall make a good faith effort at the earliest point possible to inform the parent about the school's investigation. If after making reasonable attempts, the principal or designee is unable to contact the parent, the school may engage in and complete the investigation. The investigation shall be completed as quickly as possible. If the principal or designee elects to initiate proceedings for the imposition of serious discipline other than crisis removal, the principal or designee upon completion of the investigation, shall make a written report containing a brief summary of the testimony of witnesses interviewed, any other evidence, and the principal or designee's reason(s) for the initiation of disciplinary proceedings.

(c) The principal or designee shall give to the parent notice of the findings against the student. If the student or parent denies the charge(s), the principal or designee shall indicate to the parent and the student the evidence to support the findings of the school official. The student or parent shall be given an opportunity to present the student's version of the incident. [Eff and comp 9/10/09] (Auth: HRS §302A-1112) (Imp: HRS §302A-1112)

Policy Type

Hawaii Administrative Rules 8-19 Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews, and Arrests and Restitution for Vandalism.

(a) Any teacher, official, or other employee of the department who is a witness to a class A or class B offense as defined in this chapter, or who has reasonable cause to believe that a class A or class B offense has been committed or will be committed, against a student, teacher, official, or other employee of the department, or involving school property, shall promptly report the incident to the principal or designee. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit or prevent a teacher, official, or other employee of the department from reporting class C or class D offenses to the principal or designee.

(b) Upon receiving a class A or class B offense report, the principal or designee shall conduct an investigation to determine whether the behavior requires a direct call to the police or whether the behavior can be handled through school disciplinary procedures. The principal or designee shall call the police whenever there is perceived danger and the behavior cannot be handled by the school staff.

Policy Type