Outline of the state of North Carolina
North Carolina
Requires limits

Limits on Exclusionary Discipline

Limits on Exclusionary Discipline

State law requires districts to limit use of out-of-school suspension and expulsion based on factors such as student age or offense type.

North Carolina General Statutes 115C-390.2 Discipline policies.

(k) School officials are encouraged to use a full range of responses to violations of disciplinary rules, such as conferences, counseling, peer mediation, behavior contracts, instruction in conflict resolution and anger management, detention, academic interventions, community service, and other similar tools that do not remove a student from the classroom or school building.

Policy Type

North Carolina General Statutes 115C-47 Powers and duties generally.

(55)  To Reduce Suspension and Expulsion Rates and Provide for Academic Progress During Suspensions. -- Local boards of education are encouraged to adopt policies and best practices to reduce suspension and expulsion rates and to provide alternative learning programs for continued academic progress for students who have been suspend

Policy Type