Sexual Health Education General—HS
Sexual Health Education General—HS
State law addresses at least one component of a comprehensive sex education curriculum, appropriate to grade level.
8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 135.3 Health education.
(i) All secondary schools shall provide appropriate instruction concerning the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) as part of required health education courses in grades 7-8 and in grades 9-12. Such instruction shall be designed to provide accurate information to pupils concerning the nature of the disease, methods of transmission, and methods of prevention; shall stress abstinence as the most appropriate and effective premarital protection against AIDS, and shall be age appropriate and consistent with community values. No pupil shall be required to receive instruction concerning the methods of prevention of AIDS if the parent or legal guardian of such pupil has filed with the principal of the school which the pupil attends a written request that the pupil not participate in such instruction, with an assurance that the pupil will receive such instruction at home. In public schools, such instruction shall be given during an existing class period using existing instructional personnel, and the board of education or trustees shall provide appropriate training and curriculum materials for the instructional staff who provide such instruction and instructional materials to the parents who request such materials. In public schools, the board of education or trustees shall establish an advisory council which shall be responsible for making recommendations concerning the content, implementation, and evaluation of an AIDS instruction program. The advisory council shall consist of parents, school board members, appropriate school personnel, and community representatives, including representatives from religious organizations. Each board of education or trustees shall determine the content of the curriculum and approve its implementation and shall be responsible for the evaluation of the district's AIDS instruction program.
Guidance Document to Achieving New York State Learning Standard in Health
Guidance document addresses components of a comprehensive sexual health education curricula.
NYSED Assessment Process for Review of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) Condom Availability Plan (CAP) and Approval of the Plan for Training For School Personnel and/or Health Service Personnel Providing Personal Health Guidance to Students
Document provides guidance related to condom availability and related health guidance for secondary students.