North Dakota
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Personal Health and Wellness—MS
State law addresses personal health and wellness.
North Dakota Century Code 15.1-21-01. Elementary and middle schools - Required instruction.
In order to be approved by the superintendent of public instruction, each public and nonpublic elementary and middle school shall provide to students instruction in:
- English language arts, including reading, composition, creative writing, English grammar, and spelling.
- Mathematics.
- Social studies, including: a. The United States Constitution; b. United States history; c. Geography; d. Government; and e. North Dakota studies, with an emphasis on the geography, history, and agriculture of this state, in the fourth and eighth grades.
- Science, including agriculture.
- Physical education.
- Health, including physiology, hygiene, disease control, and the nature and effects of alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics.
Policy Type