School-based or School-linked Mental Health Services
School-based or School-linked Mental Health Services
Topic is not addressed in state statutes or regulations, but is addressed in non-codified policy.
Arkansas Administrative Rules 005.19.007-Appendix A. The Standard for accreditation
Standard 2-C Student Support Services Plan 2-C.1 Each public school district shall develop and implement a written plan for providing student services to all students in the public school system in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas and the rules of the Department. By August 1, the written plan shall be posted on the district website under State - Required Information. (D/C) 2-C.2 Each public school district shall provide a developmentally appropriate guidance program to aid students in educational, personal/social, and career development. (D/C)
School-Based Mental Health Manual
This document provides guidance to establish school-based mental health programs in Arkansas public school districts.