Outline of the state of California

Engagement of Parents of English Language Learners

Engagement of Parents of English Language Learners

State law requires parent and family engagement as a component of English Language Learner (ELL) programs.

5 California Code of Regulations 11301. Community Engagement

(a) As part of the development of the LCAP and annual updates, an LEA shall inform and receive input from stakeholders, including the English learner parent advisory committee, if such a body is required by law, and the parent advisory committee, regarding the LEA's existing language acquisition programs and language programs and possibly establishing other such programs. (b) An LEA process for informing stakeholders and receiving input may include procedures such as stakeholder surveys, forums, and meetings with school advisory committees or other groups representing stakeholders. (c) Prior to adoption of an LEA's LCAP, the school district superintendent or the county superintendent of schools shall include a written response to input received from the LEA's English learner parent advisory committee, if such a body is required by law, and parent advisory committee relating to language acquisition programs and language programs with the superintendent's response as described in Education Code sections 52062 and 52068.

Policy Type

5 California Code of Regulations 11308. Advisory Committees

(a) School district advisory committees on programs and services for English learners shall be established in each school district with more than 50 English learners in attendance. School advisory committees on education programs and services for English learners shall be established in each school with more than 20 English learners in attendance. Both school district and school advisory committees shall be established in accordance with Education Code section 62002.5. (b) The parents or guardians of English learners shall elect the parent members of the school advisory committee (or subcommittee, if appropriate). The parents shall be provided the opportunity to vote in the election. Each school advisory committee shall have the opportunity to elect at least one member to the School District Advisory Committee, except that school districts with more than 30 school advisory committees may use a system of proportional or regional representation. (c) School District Advisory Committees shall advise the school district governing board on at least the following tasks:

  • (1) Development of a district master plan for education programs and services for English learners. The district master plan will take into consideration the school site master plans.
  • (2) Conducting of a district wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.
  • (3) Establishment of district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners.
  • (4) Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and/or teacher aide requirements.
  • (5) Administration of the annual language census.
  • (6) Review and comment on the school district reclassification procedures.
  • (7) Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians pursuant to this subchapter. (d) School districts shall provide all members of school district and school advisory committees with appropriate training materials and training which will assist them in carrying out their responsibilities pursuant to subsection (c). Training provided advisory committee members in accordance with this subsection shall be planned in full consultation with the members, and funds provided under this chapter may be used to meet the costs of providing the training to include the costs associated with the attendance of the members at training sessions.
Policy Type

California Education Code 305. Instructional methods; Language acquisition program; Structured English immersion program; Instruction in non-English language

(a) (1) As part of the parent and community engagement process required for the development of a local control and accountability plan pursuant to Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 52059.5) of Chapter 6.1 of Part 28 of Division 4 of Title 2, school districts and county offices of education shall solicit input on, and shall provide to pupils, effective and appropriate instructional methods, including, but not limited to, establishing language acquisition programs, as defined in Section 306. This requirement is intended to ensure that all pupils, including English learners and native speakers of English, have access to the core academic content Standard, including the English language development Standard, as applicable, and become proficient in English pursuant to the state priorities identified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 52060 and of Section 52066.

Policy Type

California Education Code 313.3. Development of standardized English language teacher observation protocol; Required consultation; Professional development tools

(c) It is the intent of the Legislature that the protocol additionally be useful to all of the following: (1) Teachers, as a formative assessment tool for purposes of supporting pupils’ progress toward proficiency in English during the school year. (2) Teachers’ discussions with parents regarding pupils’ progress toward English language proficiency. (3) Institutions of higher education in the preparation of new teachers.

Policy Type

California Education Code 51101.1. Rights of parents and guardians who speak language other than English; Parent centers

(a) A parent or guardian’s lack of English fluency does not preclude a parent or guardian from exercising the rights guaranteed under this chapter. A school district shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all parents and guardians of pupils who speak a language other than English are properly notified in English and in their home language, pursuant to Section 48985, of the rights and opportunities available to them pursuant to this section. (b) Parents and guardians of English learners are entitled to participate in the education of their children pursuant to Section 51101 and as follows:

  • (1) To receive, pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) of Section 51101, the results of their child’s performance on standardized tests, including the English language development test.
  • (2) To be given any required written notification, under any applicable law, in English and the pupil’s home language pursuant to Section 48985.
  • (3) To participate in school and district advisory bodies in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations.
  • (4) To support their children’s advancement toward literacy. School personnel shall encourage parents and guardians of English learners to support their child’s progress toward literacy both in English and, to the extent possible, in the child’s home language. School districts are encouraged to make available, to the extent possible, surplus or undistributed instructional materials to parents and guardians, pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 60510, in order to facilitate parental involvement in their children’s education.
  • (5) To be informed, pursuant to Sections 33126 and 48985, about statewide and local academic Standard, testing programs, accountability measures, and school improvement efforts. (c) A school with a substantial number of pupils with a home language other than English is encouraged to establish parent centers with personnel who can communicate with the parents and guardians of these children to encourage understanding of and participation in the educational programs in which their children are enrolled.
Policy Type

California Education Code 52063. Parent advisory committee; English learner parent advisory committee

(a) (1) The governing board of a school district shall establish a parent advisory committee to provide advice to the governing board of the school district and the superintendent of the school district regarding the requirements of this article. (2) A parent advisory committee shall include parents or legal guardians of pupils to whom one or more of the definitions in Section 42238.01 apply. (3) This subdivision shall not require the governing board of the school district to establish a new parent advisory committee if the governing board of the school district already has established a parent advisory committee that meets the requirements of this subdivision, including any committee established to meet the requirements of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (Public Law 114-95), pursuant to Section 1116 of Subpart 1 of Part A of Title I of that act. (b) (1) The governing board of a school district shall establish an English learner parent advisory committee if the enrollment of the school district includes at least 15 percent English learners and the school district enrolls at least 50 pupils who are English learners. (2) This subdivision shall not require the governing board of the school district to establish a new English learner parent advisory committee if the governing board of the school district already has established a committee that meets the requirements of this subdivision.

Policy Type

California Education Code 52069. Parent advisory committee; English learner parent advisory committee

(a) (1) A county superintendent of schools shall establish a parent advisory committee to provide advice to the county board of education and the county superintendent of schools regarding the requirements of this article. (2) A parent advisory committee shall include parents or legal guardians of pupils to whom one or more of the definitions in Section 42238.01 apply. (3) This subdivision shall not require the county superintendent of schools to establish a new parent advisory committee if the county superintendent of schools already has established a parent advisory committee that meets the requirements of this subdivision, including any committee established to meet the requirements of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 6301 et seq.) pursuant to Section 6312 of that act. (b) (1) A county superintendent of schools shall establish an English learner parent advisory committee if the enrollment of the pupils in the schools and programs operated by the county superintendent of schools includes at least 15 percent English learners and the schools and programs operated by the county superintendent of schools enroll at least 50 pupils who are English learners. (2) This subdivision shall not require the county superintendent of schools to establish a new English learner parent advisory committee if the county superintendent of schools already has established a committee that meets the requirements of this subdivision.

Policy Type

California Education Code 52176 Bilingual-Bicultural Education Act of 1976

(a) Each school district with more than 50 pupils of limited English proficiency shall establish a districtwide advisory committee on bilingual education. Parents or guardians, or both, of pupils of limited English proficiency who are not employed by the district shall constitute a majority of the committee, unless the district designates for this purpose an existing districtwide advisory committee on which parents or guardians, or both, of pupils of limited English proficiency have membership in at least the same percentage as their children and wards represent of the total number of pupils in the district, provided that a subcommittee on bilingual–bicultural education on which parents or guardians, or both, of pupils of limited English proficiency constitute a majority is established. The district advisory committee and subcommittee, if applicable, shall be responsible for at least six specific tasks. These tasks shall be to advise the district governing board regarding all of the following:

  • (1) Establishment of a timetable for development of a district master plan for bilingual education.
  • (2) Districtwide needs assessment on a school–by–school basis.
  • (3) Establishment of district program goals and objectives in bilingual education.
  • (4) A plan to ensure district compliance with the provisions of Section 52178.
  • (5) Administration of the annual language census.

(b) Each school with more than 20 pupils of limited English proficiency shall establish a school level advisory committee on which parents or guardians, or both, of such pupils constitute membership in at least the same percentage as their children and wards represent of the total number of pupils in the school. The school may designate for this purpose an existing school level advisory committee, or subcommittee of such an advisory committee, if the advisory committee, or subcommittee where appropriate, meets the criteria stated above.

(c) Each school advisory committee maintained pursuant to this section shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff in the development of a detailed master plan for bilingual education for the individual school and submitting the plan to the governing board for consideration for inclusion in the district master plan. It shall also be responsible for assisting in the development of the school needs assessment, language census, and ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.

The Department of Education shall develop guidelines for the selection of advisory committees established or maintained pursuant to this section by May 1, 1981.

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