Outline of the state of Oklahoma

Family Engagement Plans

Family Engagement Plans

State law encourages districts to adopt plans, policies, or strategies to engage parents and families in the educational process.

Family Engagement in ICAP

Training webinar addresses engaging families in helping their students develop Individual Career Academic Plans.

Policy Type

Healthy School Nutrition Environments: Local School Wellness Policy Model Guidance

Model wellness policy guidance states that School Food Authorities must involve parents, students, representatives of the SFA (a school food service employee or someone who works directly with the CNP), the school board, school administrators, and the public in developing the local wellness policy.

Policy Type

Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:35-3-21 Statement of the standard

The school establishes relationships with its parents and community that result in a feeling of mutual trust. These relationships are based on open, two-way communication. Parents and the community are involved in developing and monitoring the school’s expected outcomes. The school displays a willingness to respond to the parents and the community; and the community supports the school and its program.

Policy Type

Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:35-3-69 Climate

(a) The school climate shall be conducive to learning. (b) The school staff shall assess its climate, share the results of the assessment with the staff, and have a plan for maintaining an atmosphere that is responsive to the needs of the students. (c) There shall be activities within the school that provide for and/or facilitate the positive self-esteem of students and staff members. (d) The school shall provide appropriate opportunities for involving students, parents, staff members, and community representatives in decision-making. [Reference: 70:5-117.4; SL Section 68.1 Adoption of Four-Year Improvement Plan by Board of Education] (e) The school shall assist parents in developing those skills and attitudes necessary for helping their children succeed in school. (f) The school shall provide a handbook for students, parents, and teachers which includes information on such matters as homework policies, behavior codes, grading policies, and other kinds of information important to students, parents, guardians, and staff members. The behavior code shall be developed with the appropriate involvement of students, staff, and parents. (g) The school shall provide organizations, activities, and leadership groups that offer opportunities for recognition of student accomplishments. (h) Parents shall receive regular and frequent communication from the school. Other members of the community shall be kept informed about school activities.

Policy Type

Oklahoma Statutes 70-3-126. Educational improvement plans - Components - Exemptions from statutory requirements and State Board of Education rules.

A. A school district may develop an educational improvement plan which includes exemption from the educational-related statutory requirements set forth in subsection C of this section and State Board of Education rules for the school district, a school site or any program, grade level, consortium of schools or school districts or other group within the school district. The board of education of the school district shall, through adoption of a resolution, approve the plan prior to application being made to the State Board of Education.

B. Each educational improvement plan approved by the State Board of Education shall include the following components:

    1. A description of the educational benefits to be derived;
    1. A definition of the Standard of the plan;
    1. Development of definitive work products, such as site improvement plans and progress reports;
    1. Demonstration of collaboration by teachers, administrators, higher education representatives, students, parents/families, and the community;
Policy Type