Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Healthy Eating Nutrition—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Healthy Eating Nutrition—MS
State law addresses healthy eating/nutrition.
New Hampshire Administrative Rules Ed 306.38 Family and Consumer Science Education Program
(a) Pursuant to Ed.306.26 and Ed. 306.27, the local school board shall require that a family and consumer science education program be provided in each middle school.
(b) The middle school program shall provide planned learning strategies and opportunities to prepare independent, educated consumers that are literate in life skills that provide:
(1) Students with teaching and instructional practice that:
a. Prepare students for college, career, and citizenship;
b. Promote optimal nutrition education that supports district wellness policies;
c. Use critical and creative thinking skills to promote problem solving in diverse family, community and work environments;
d. Demonstrate creative thinking, constructs knowledge, and develops innovative products and processes using technology;
e. Use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions;
f. Supports literacy in math, language arts, and science; and
g. Manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society;
New Hampshire Administrative Rules Ed 306.40 Health Education Program
(2) A planned K-12 curriculum in health education designed to teach the skills listed in (b)(1) above across the following content areas of health education:
a. Alcohol and other drug use prevention, in accordance with RSA 189:10;
b. Injury prevention;
c. Nutrition;
d. Physical activity;
e. Family life and comprehensive sexuality education, including instruction relative to abstinence and sexually transmitted infections in accordance with RSA 189:10;
f. Tobacco use prevention;
g. Mental health;
h. Personal and consumer health; and
i. Community and environmental health;
New Hampshire Health Education Curriculum Guidelines
*Health Content Areas
Specific content/skill topic descriptors in each section are organized by content areas, which come from the CDC Adolescent Risk Behaviors and the Traditional Health Education content areas. The following nine areas are used as content organizers.
CONTENT AREA: AOD–Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention; LINKS TO: CDC Priority Risk Behavior
CONTENT AREA: INJ–Injury Prevention; LINKS TO: CDC Priority Risk Behavior
CONTENT AREA: NUT–Nutrition; LINKS TO: CDC Priority Risk Behavior
CONTENT AREA: PA–Physical Activity; LINKS TO: CDC Priority Risk Behavior
CONTENT AREA: FLS–Family Life and Sexuality; LINKS TO: CDC Priority Risk Behavior
CONTENT AREA: TOB–Tobacco Use Prevention; LINKS TO: CDC Priority Risk Behavior
CONTENT AREA: MH–Mental Health; LINKS TO: Traditional Content Area
CONTENT AREA: PCH–Personal and Consumer Health; LINKS TO: Traditional Content Area
CONTENT AREA: CEH–Community and Environmental Health; LINKS TO: Traditional Content Area
New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated 189:11-a Food and Nutrition Programs
III. The state board shall prepare and distribute a curriculum for nutrition education and such curriculum shall be integrated into the regular courses of instruction for kindergarten and grades one through 12 during the school year.